Pre-Columbian Chocolate Tours

Pre-Columbian Chocolate Tours

Experience a thrilling 45-minute tour from a cacao plantation to crafting The Drink of the Gods.

Embark on a captivating 3-hour journey into the heart of traditional chocolate creation, starting amidst the lush biodiversity of a cacao plantation to experience firsthand the source of this treasured ingredient. The adventure continues with a deep dive into the art and science behind chocolate making, culminating in the exquisite final sip of what the ancients called The Drink of the Gods.

This hands-on tour invites you to taste and transform cacao using ancient practices passed down through generations, enriching your understanding by immersing you in the profound cultural significance chocolate held for Central America's indigenous peoples. Learn about the meticulous process of fermentation, drying, roasting, and grinding, which turns the humble cacao bean into the rich flavors beloved today.

As you walk through the plantation, your senses will be awakened by the sights, sounds, and smells of chocolate in its various stages of production. The tour offers a unique opportunity to connect with the age-old tradition of chocolate making, providing insight into its role in rituals, as a currency, and its revered status in society.

Join this immersive experience that bridges the gap between past and present, offering not just a taste of chocolate, but a profound appreciation for its journey from bean to cup.

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